Each culture has a rhythm to both work and play. When people follow it with joy and purpose – they Bounce.  

Dr. Nick Gilly, Principal and Founder

About Us

The Bounce Collective is a group of academics  and educators dedicated to the integration of humanistic, culturally competent, and socially relevant education for students.  Together, our collective expertise can transform classrooms, schools, and systems to become more reflective and responsive to relevant social and academic needs in a culture. 

At our core, we believe in the necessity of academic standards and skills, just not at the expense of relevant culturally significant competencies that are needed to create vibrant societies that interact as part of a global community. 

Educators and systems need to make room to instruct and communicate progress on topics and relevant skills such as: Integrity, Voice, Acceptance, Social Justice, Community, Sustainability, and Equality – just to name a few.

Consulting Development Coaching

We tailor to teachers, groups, schools, and leaders who wish to take theory and put it into practice

Eye to the future 

To  contribute as  workers and citizens, it is up to us to ensure that schools value academic and culturally relevant skills equally

Without Borders

In the form of modern business consultants, we use technologies to reach our clients when and where they need us.

Global REach

We have a goal to regularly connect educators from around the world in share instructional development as a part of their normal learning

Reach Out 

Contact Bounce to tell us your needs, thoughts, or vision for your school, classroom, or community. You can either email us, use our contact form, or make an appointment directly for an initial consultation.


Contact Us


Schedule a Consultation

Connect and Listen

We will connect you with the expert who best aligns with your needs. Together you will develop a plan and timeline while also coming to an agreement on a cost profile.


Make It Happen

Execute, evaluate, and excel!

Our team will support you from start to finish.  If needs arise, we will pull our collective expertise and help to meet or exceed your goals.




We will help you to share your success on our platform, in our newsletters, and through our marketing so that others can learn from you and your school.


Current News/ Articles

Core Bounce 

At the center of Bounce are a group of independent educators and academics who share a common vision for the future of education.

Don’t let the broader vision lead you to believe that this team is all theory and no action – in fact, we are the exact opposite.   Each one of us believes in meeting educators in the classroom, confronting real roadblocks, and finding practical solutions. 

The skills and capabilities of each member of our team are impressive in their own right. Together, our diverse backgrounds, experiences, and expertise  make us stronger and relevant.  We make each other better.  Those benefits are passed on to students through our work with you.


meet the team

Meet Our Contributors

Dr. Nick Gilly

Chief Officer and Founder

Alex May

Brand Expert

Dr. Nick Gilly

Principal and Founder


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